Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Y2K. What where they thinking?

Okay. I just learned why people thought the world was going to end in the year 2000 thanks to Smosh (love them.) I have one thing to say to them, what where you guys thinking?!?!?

Let me explain it to you people & then you can tell me if you agree with me or not.

What is it???
Y2K describes how they would enter a year in to a date using the last two number. ex. like instead of writing that its 2011 you write '11. Apparently when they would put in 00 to represent 2000 it would mark it as 1900. They couldn't figure out how to fix the glitch so they freaked out.

What did they they would happen because of the Y2K bug?
They thought that the world would end all because time wouldn't be able to continue forward. Computers would break, major world blackouts, & everything & could go wrong would. This cartoon basically shows what my impression is of what the rest of the world thought would happen. p.s. I obviously didn't make the cartoon. Its from Google search: Y2K.

Why do I think this is Stupid?
I'm simply going to just list all the reasons this prediction seems idiotic to me: 
keep in mind that I was 3 when this happened & just found out about Y2K now.
- Why didn't this happen then with the cave men? 
Why didn't the world destroy the first time it changed centuries? It just seems stupid. It is were to be a logical reason we wouldn't even exist now. 
- Why do computers suddenly decide whether we live or not?
Computers didn't exist then. Now that they do they suddenly predicted the apocalypse. What The Firetruck is up with that! That means I should die every time I'm away from my computer & smosh.com for more than a minute.
- Why don't you die when you mark to wrong date on anything else?
If this prediction where to be true, you would be dead a thousand time from accidentally putting the wrong year on a piece of paper. I know I would. Come on, why was the computer supposed to be any different.
- Why would their be a blackout?
I just plain don't firetrucking get this one at all.
- Why would planes stop working?
look at previous one.
- My Biggest Reason of All: Why the hell would you die without working computers?
Sure it would be an inconvince but why would you die? You can die metaphorically but not really just because you don't have a computer. How then did people live before the computer was invented? It just seems stupid of people to think that the world would end because of a computer glitch. It would still work, just have a wrong date.

Tell me, & be honest, where you one of the people who freaked out & felt the need to buy books like the one below:
If you are, tell me why you thought the world would end.

Leave you comments below.
Love always,


  1. I was playing a video game! I could care less what happened that day. If I died, I died. Oh well.

  2. Since I wrote this I have learned it was because they feared about nuclear weapons going off on their own.
